Wednesday 29 January 2014

Keeping Young

Aging is something no one can avoid. We get older every day. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t difficult. Sometimes it can get you down. So here are a few tips to keeping young:

  1. Exercise. Some people might disagree with this since the elderly, in general, are not as able-bodied as those younger than them, but this is precisely why they should exercise. This is to keep their muscle tone even and their bones, stance and shape intact so that they’ll still be physically able even as they grow older.
  2. Watch what you eat. When you’re older, your body loses its ability to metabolize and process what you take in, so you’ll want to eat less fattening foods and less alcohol so that you don’t get fat or get drunk easily. Lots of fibre is good, too, for cleansing the body.
  3. Take turmeric capsules every day. Turmeric is a miracle herb that is able to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s, keeping your mind alert. This is best accompanied with reading and memory exercises.
  4. Get a face lift. People get wrinkles when they get older, so getting a face lift is an easy way to counteract this. Don’t feel comfortable going under the knife? You don’t have to! Find out more:

Stop Snoring

Snoring can be a problem, not so much for you but for whoever is within hearing distance. It can be an annoyance as well as a symptom of a potentially fatal condition. Do yourself and your loved ones a favour. Follow these tips:

  1. Find out if you have sleep apnoea. Snoring can be a symptom of this fatal condition, which causes you to stop breathing in your sleep. So if you think that it’s something serious, pay a visit to your doctor.
  2. Try rhinoplasty. Altering the cavities in your nose can improve airflow. You’ll be able to sleep much better and you may even stop snoring. Don’t feel comfortable with surgery? Dermal fillers can be used instead! Find out more about that here:
  3. Find time in the day tor rest. Sometimes snoring is a sign that you are fatigued. So within the day, find time to nap or even just rest – not necessarily sleep. This will improve your overall physical, mental and emotional health, too.
  4. Elevate your head when sleeping. The downward slanting and natural force of gravity will help prevent mucus from accumulating in your airways, preventing snoring. You don’t have to elevate to the point that you’re upright. Just make sure that your head is slightly higher than your body.

Avoiding Hair Loss

FUE Hair Transplant is available for people who have problems with baldness (find out more about that here: But what happens after? What does it take to keep your hair as full and as lush? Here are a few tips:

  1. Brush your hair. You should brush your hair when you have free time because the brushing action stimulates the follicles on your scalp to produce certain natural oils that nourish both your hair and your scalp, which will inevitably lead to more hair growth and better overall quality of hair. Plus, you’ll look well-kept and clean. Very impressive and attractive!
  2. Consult your doctor. Sometimes extreme hair loss can be attributed to certain medical conditions, so you’ll want to talk to your doctor to see if that’s the underlying cause so that you can get properly treated. Who know, you may even save your own life!
  3. Avoid heat. This means styling tools such as hairdryers. You don’t want to use these too often because, in general, these can damage both your hair and your scalp, leading to hair fall. So go natural whenever you can. If you’re planning to go out and it’s very, very hot, bring an umbrella or a hat that doesn’t fit too snugly on your head to protect your hair.

Fruits Juices - A New and Exciting Way to Lose Weight

Fruits are always a great addition to any healthy diet – especially if you want to lose weight. You might be thinking that it would be easier to just go to a clinic and have the extra weight removed in one go (you can find out more about that here: It is. But even if you do have that done, you’ll have to find a way to maintain the weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. Having fruit and vegetable juices in place of certain meals is great for that. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Have your fruit juices for breakfast. Fruits are great for breakfast because they have natural sugars which are a form of energy that your body can readily and easily absorb for the morning, giving you the jumpstart you need to have a great and productive day.
  2. Choose ripe fruits. Riper fruits tend to be sweeter, so you’ll want to pick those so that you won’t have to add any extra sugar.
  3. Try adding milk to turn them into fruit shakes. This makes the drink more delicious and gives you a good source of protein and calcium. You need protein at least once a week for your body to synthesize and keep your muscles healthy and strong.

Getting Clearer Skin

Most people experience having acne during their teen years, but adult onset acne is common as well. It’s nothing to be ashamed about – it can happen to anyone at any time. Here are a few tips to helping you deal with your acne:

  1. Get the right amount of sleep. A lot of times you’ll find that pimples will pop up after an all-nighter. Is this coincidental? Probably not. So give yourself the right amount of time to rest. You’ll be doing yourself and others a huge favour by not being cranky due to lack of sleep.
  2. Drink plenty of water. In general, keeping yourself hydrated improves your complexion, so drinking at least 1-2 litres of water in a day would help.
  3. Reduce your stress levels. Sometimes being stressed can cause you to break out, so find ways to diffuse the tension. You could try meditating – or simply finding a quiet place to rest and centre yourself. Exercise is also good for you – it give you more energy throughout the day and improves your mood.

In general, treating your acne has a lot to do with improving your overall health. Sometimes they’ll leave scars (but you can get rid of those: but at least you’ll be happy knowing that you live a healthy life. 

Cosmetic Surgery Tips

Cosmetic surgery is great for people who have a certain look they want to achieve. It can be exciting, but you don’t want to rush into things. Here are a few things you may want to look into before making any decisions or plans:

  1. Don’t let other people’s opinions get you down. Some people have very strong opinions about cosmetic surgery. Some of your close friends or family members may have strong opinions about it as well. But that shouldn’t be the thing that stops you. If it will make you happy, go for it. If these people really care about you, they’ll respect your decision.
  2. Find out what you can about the clinic. Any reputable clinic should have a website that states clearly what they offer and how each procedures work, how they’re done, pre and post-surgery protocol and contact information like this one:
  3. Consider your tolerance for pain. Even though most clinics use anaesthetic, the fact that they operate on very sensitive parts of the body, such as the face or the breasts, means it’s going to be painful. Are you willing to suffer for your looks? Think about it.
  4. Find out what you can about the surgeon. His credentials should be readily available on the website of his company or on his social media accounts. Find out if he’s ever had complaints filed against him.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Skin Care 101

Your skin is the largest organ of your body – it covers it – so, naturally, it has a lot to do with how you look. But many different factors – such as stress and aging – can cause it to become dry, wrinkled, etc. (Though, you could counteract this with a face lift, which you can find out more about here: Here are a few tips for better skin care:

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin – nourish, make it brighter, make it more supple.
  2. Clean your skin. Shower with soap. Clogged pores can lead to pimples and other unwanted blemishes on your skin.
  3. Get the right amount of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause eye bags, which can cause wrinkles around the eye area.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Keep your skin hydrated at all times. It looks much better and this is better for your overall health.
  5. Don’t do crash diets. Going from overweight to super thin in a short amount of time is not only unhealthy but bad for your skin. Your muscle and skin tone will have to have changed drastically, so they’ll sag.
  6. Exercise regularly. This will improve the overall muscle and skin tone of your body.
  7. Go outside on nice, sunny days. On a day when it’s not too hot but the sun is shining, go outside for a walk. The sun’s rays gives off Vitamin D which is specifically good for your skin.