Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Avoiding Hair Loss

FUE Hair Transplant is available for people who have problems with baldness (find out more about that here: But what happens after? What does it take to keep your hair as full and as lush? Here are a few tips:

  1. Brush your hair. You should brush your hair when you have free time because the brushing action stimulates the follicles on your scalp to produce certain natural oils that nourish both your hair and your scalp, which will inevitably lead to more hair growth and better overall quality of hair. Plus, you’ll look well-kept and clean. Very impressive and attractive!
  2. Consult your doctor. Sometimes extreme hair loss can be attributed to certain medical conditions, so you’ll want to talk to your doctor to see if that’s the underlying cause so that you can get properly treated. Who know, you may even save your own life!
  3. Avoid heat. This means styling tools such as hairdryers. You don’t want to use these too often because, in general, these can damage both your hair and your scalp, leading to hair fall. So go natural whenever you can. If you’re planning to go out and it’s very, very hot, bring an umbrella or a hat that doesn’t fit too snugly on your head to protect your hair.

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